Monday, December 20, 2010
Only 5 Days!
Monday, December 13, 2010
Relationships, Relationships!
Monday, December 6, 2010
Merry Christmas!

Monday, November 29, 2010
Anyone out there?
Monday, November 22, 2010
There's a Wall There...
Monday, November 15, 2010
The Blob
Monday, November 8, 2010
Monday, November 1, 2010
Do you have an enemy?
Monday, October 25, 2010
It is so hard to get back into a good habit once you take a break. The last few Monday's have "gotten away from me" especially with one of them being Thanksgiving here in Canada. Love having turkey! The other Monday was spent in line a immigration...I get to do a lot of "fun" stuff!
It has been a great trip through these stories because they are such a powerful display of what God can and will do through his servants. For Thanksgiving Weekend, October 10th, I preached about Elijah and the Prophets of Baal. I never thought about the fact that is was Thanksgiving but something was being cook and it was't the prophets of Baal's sacrifice! It was a supernatural display of God's work through the man God sent. The major themes of the prophet is that he must be called of God, speak only the message God gave him, and God be the only One to get the glory through it. At the end of this message, I talked wholeheartedly about what I had expected to happen in starting Burlington Community Church and what actually happened. To make a long story short, we are in a position in which much prayer and proving God must take place. Only God can give us the increase and only He will get the glory out of what is being done! I pray He is ready to bless this little church with His power and glory!
On October 17th, I preached about Esther and how she was in the right place at the right time. We have all had those type of experiences from as little as a good sale on something to a powerful moment like salvation. Whatever can be said of Esther, she was in the right place and ready to do what she needed to to save her people. The simple but profound application is that the people coming to Burlington Community Church are here by design and God can and will use us if we are ready to see that He has called us "for such a time as this!"
Yesterday, October 24th, I preached David and Goliath. This is a classic story of the underdog winning. Beyond winning was David's ability to see and say that "the battle was not with sword or spear but the battle is the Lord's!" Giants are hard to miss in our lives and we have to face is our destiny as it was David's. What giants are you facing and are you confidently putting them in God's hands? At the end of this message, we talked about the giants a church start faces and encouraged each other to take on the City of Burlington for the Lord, give in finances to the budget we must face, and the service we must commit to to be ready for visitors.
This Sunday, October 31st, I am preaching about Satan and his final destination. I figured this is a pretty appropriate topic for Halloween, right? ;-)
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
EPIC - sermon 1
We started a new series this past Sunday called EPIC. This is a series that will run for through Christmas and we will add a special emphasis at the end of November for Christmas. The idea of these messages is to help those new to faith get familiar with the greatest stories from the Bible ending with the Nativity. It was interesting to watch the faces of those who have never heard the story of Daniel and the Lions' Den. To pull together the elements of the story and draw the application for our lives. I thoroughly enjoyed preaching it.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Church, Why Bother? sermon 4 & 5
Monday, September 20, 2010
Church, Why Bother? sermon 3
Church WITHOUT Purpose
- Irrelevant – lost touch, impractical, uneducated
- Hypocritical – inconsistent living, inner politics and power, and focus on leaders’ failures
- Judgmental – pious, self-righteous, other agendas and political aspirations
- Passion for Christ – Philippians 3:10
- Unity in Spirit – Psalm 133:1; Ephesians 4:3
- Dependence on God – I Peter 5:7
- Compelling faith – Hebrews 11:6
- Faith and Works – James 2
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Church, Why Bother? sermon 2
Right Relationships/Right Direction
In continuing our series on "Church, Why Bother?," it is important to understand and have the right relationships. Many get frustrated in church because the relationships built are not with direction or purpose. Friendships may be built on interests and opinions but close relationships have deeper foundations. In his book, DNA of Relationships, Gary Smalley builds his case of the importance of relationships and how interaction is vital to humanity. He simply begins by saying, "Life is relationships; the rest is just details." He points out that there is no way to avoid relationships completely and we need them! John 15 is an excellent passage for understanding the right relationships one can build.
1. A Growing and Personal relationship with Christ.
John 15 starts by showing that we are to have a relationship with Christ and His Father. He shows how he is the vine and we are the branches. We cannot do anything of spiritual significance and growth outside of this relationship with Christ. As a matter of fact, God is the one who prunes and shapes us for his glory and production. It is all a matter of glorifying God that we are drawn into the continue in our relationship with Christ. God will accomplish His work through us as we stay connected to Him and doing His Will.
A great and interesting promise in this passage is that verses 14 and 15 point out that Christ no longer calls us servants but friends. This is an incredible concept because a servant only does what he is told where a friend will know and understand everything the friend wants and asks. Very simply, we are His friend and He will show us exactly what He wills, and as his friends, we understand and are excited to be a part of it.
2. A loving relationship with each other.
It is interesting that we are commanded here to love one another. Why is that? Is it because we do not have the capacity to love another Christian? I believe it is because the closer we get to one another and the more we "experience" of each other, the easier it is to become comfortable and predictable. Just like a marriage can "cool down" in passion because of familiarity, any intimate relationship can be taken for granted. It is also much easier to criticize and condemn a person the more you know what they think, say or do. That is why our first relationship in a growing and personal one with Christ is so important. He will sort out our thoughts and help us to truly love each other because we are growing and sustaining in Him as our vine.
Loving one another is also a commitment and choice. There is no way Burlington Community Church will continue without those of us who have come together to stand up and say we are one. We will find out more about the mission and passions of our pastor and this church so we can make a difference! What kind of difference are we talking about? Here it is in our third point...
3. A compassionate relationship with the world.
At the end of John 15, we are given the sobering state of our relationship with the world. We will not be loved but persecuted. This means there is opposition to our efforts as His kingdom people. Opposition in also motivation. If there were no opposition, what a wimpy, lame cause we would have a Christians!
Now, that means our efforts are about loving and reaching the world with the Gospel. Here in Toronto, a pastor and his congregation picketed a gay man's home. The reporters asked what they were doing and why. This pastor's response was, "We have freedom in this country to preach the gospel!" I agree with the pastor's statement but his actions do NOT match his words. Picketing a gay man's home is NOT preaching the gospel. The gospel is the life, death, burial, and (very importantly) resurrection of Christ! If we are persecuted for this, we are on the right path and doing the Will of God. Cases like this pastor in Toronto leave a community and world wondering why they would bother with church.
So what is our response to the world...?
A. Be in it but not of it (Romans 12:2)
B. Do not love the world or practice its lusts and pride (1 John 2:15-17)
C. Love the world and endure its persecution (John 15:18-19)
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Church, Why Bother? sermon 1
Beginning BCC has been one of the most difficult things I've done but picking out the first sermons series was not. I knew from day one that I would want to deal with the subject, Church, Why Bother?. This has been an incredible journey and the question is something many are asking. We have had more than one encounter with Canadians who have simply given up on church. BCC is shedding the weight of "church and religion" to take on the life Christ meant us to have. You see, when most in the world see the church in light of their perception or stereotype, it is important that we present a church that is about life and abundant life in Christ. This is something the world does not see and we, the church, are to blame. We can become so rigid, set in our ways and filled with rules that we do not present a living church. So with this in mind, my very first sermon on August 22nd was about what a person should expect from a church. Here are my thoughts:
Act 2:42-47 tells of of a very real and very alive church. When the church was doing all it was supposed to do, people were saved, baptized and added to the church. This is the goal, what every church wants to be. This is the church Christ is the foundation of and power for.
Sadly, the church is not seen as a place of life change and growth. As a matter of fact, many in Canada do not go to church at all. “It is no longer 1955, when 68% of Canadians attended a place of worship on a weekly basis. Now, church attendance in Canada is more like 13%. In some urban settings, it is even lower.” Borderland Churches - Nelson (2008) We can argue over the reasons behind this but the truth is that most Canadians will not be in church this Sunday.
What can a person expect from Burlington Community Church? Are we going to have life, growth and change or are we going to be another presence in the community with no power to change anything? Because of Christ, there are 3 things we can promise a person will experience when they walk through our doors.
1. Love – I Corinthians 13.
We want anyone who comes to our church to experience love. This love is patient, gentle, kind but also casting out of fear and willing to be open and honest. It is the kind of love that will be greater than the imperfections we may encounter in each other.
2. Forgiveness – Ephesians 4:32.
Forgiveness is not condoning what someone has done but choosing not to dwell on their failures or sin. It is knowing what is wrong and extending grace to the repentant soul.
3. Hospitality – Romans 12:13
Hospitality is more than "throwing a good party." It is about being willing to give of ourselves. It is about giving up our own comforts for the sake of others. “The friend who can be silent with us in a moment of grief and bereavement, who can tolerate not-knowing, not curing, not healing and face with us the reality of our powerlessness, that is the friend who cares.” Out of Solitude - Henri Nouwen (1974) There are so many ways that we can show hospitality but we get stuck in our own selfishness most of the time.
Perfection and ultimate example found in Christ! Here is how we know…
1. Love – John 3:16 & 1 John 4:10
Christ loved us so much that He came to die on the cross for our sins. His expression of love is our salvation. His example of love is our witness to the world. Because he loved us that much, we can love each other.
2. Forgiveness – Ephesians 4:32
Because Christ forgave us, we can forgive others. This is more than a suggestion, it is a command. Christ forgave ALL of our sin, we are to do the same for others.
3. Hospitality – Philippians 2:6-11
Christ took on the form of man and humbled Himself by taking on our sins and dying on the cross. He left his throne in heaven to be our savior. The least we can do is leave the comforts of our own homes to reach out to someone who needs Christ.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Church, Why Bother?
When I have a conversation like this, it fires me up a little because I know that this lawyer and others like him feel this way because they have not experienced a life giving church. They do not know true salvation and God has not been a part of their lives. It is doubtful that they see church as anything but a place to sit for an hour and feel they have "done their duty" for God this week. They have not seen the body of Christ in action because everyone in the congregation has become self absorbed and selfish about life, friends, and time. Getting to know people and investing in their lives is work and giving of yourself. It is MUCH easier to keep the few great friends and cruse through life.
Meeting people is hard for me because I would rather sit in the background and let others interact. I do not usually feel it is necessary to meet others or insert myself in new situations. I have to force myself to meet people and find out more about them. It really is an act of giving of myself to show interest in people and let them talk. I would much rather tell them about our church then they visit, accept Christ, and commit to ministry. Unfortunately, that is not how it works and it can take months and years for some I meet today to even consider church or spiritual things. Bill Hybles calls this "just walking across the room." We need to be willing to do that and let God lead those interactions.
I have had a steady diet of meeting new people ever since I arrived in Burlington. Our family came up here without knowing a single soul but we know quite a few now. My prayer is that God gives us many more opportunities to meet people and share our faith. It has been an experience and I am praying for God to work through me for His Kingdom.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Ready or not, here we go!
So what will Sunday the 22nd look like?
+ The church service begins at 10:30 a.m. at the Tansley Woods Community Center. Come a little early and join us for coffee and conversation. You may catch the band rehearsing, a few greeters in the parking lot and foyer and nursery and childcare areas ready for you. We take the responsibility of your children very seriously and will have safety measures in place if you chose to leave them in our care. All the volunteers have been background checked and cleared for volunteering with us.
+ The service will have some great music, media presentation and message from the Bible. Church: Why Bother? is the topic. This is a question a lot of people are asking and we hope to answer it in a series of messages.
+ You can stay for a free dinner prepared in your honor. Dinner includes turkey, roast beef, mashed potatoes, corn, salad, variety of desserts and drinks.
+ A 20 min. conversation with Pastor Roy during the dinner will give you a full scope of who we are are what our church is about.
This entire day is designed to show you what we pray Burlington Community Church will be and what it will take to build it. This is what we are calling a "display service" to set the goal of what we hope to become with God's blessing and power in this ministry.
You can read more about the Dowdy family at our website at Burlington Community Church. We are also affiliated with Fair Oaks Church in Fairfax, VA and Pastor David R. Stokes. This is our home church and support of this ministry. We thank them for their vision of this and the many friends who will be here to help us in ministry.
Hope to see you at 10:30 a.m. on the 22nd of August at the Tansley Woods Community Center!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
A Sarah Story
As the girls were off to Virginia to go to camp with Velocity, Tracey and I were to visit a friend in Michigan and help in their church on Sunday. This is a church plant about 10 years old. They have not had a keyboard player and asked if I would jump in the band for them. I was happy to do that and after the service was over, they gave us the keyboard! Isn't that cool?! They said they had if all this time and it just sat in the closet for 3 years. What a nice gift. Sarah and I are done shopping and we have a keyboard that God supplied! This is great because we can use money in other ways now.
In my conversation with this friend, he talked of a mutual friend because his teens were going to the camps he runs called LIFT. Back in 1999, this man let Sarah sing at a teens camp in Gettysburg, PA with attendance of around 800. Sarah was only 3 at the time and was determined to sing on stage. On 4 occasions, I told her she would not be able to but she insisted. Finally I said, "honey, daddy is not is charge of this camp and if you really want to sing, you will have to ask Dan Brown." I thought for sure this would be the end of it but she said, "where is he?" I pointed him out on stage and she walked straight up to him and asked. She got to sing and was not afraid! As a matter of fact, all the teens sang the song with her and did so a few other times that week. She became a favorite for the week and it was not uncommon to watch her being body surfed through the crowd during the music. She was having a blast.
When I heard my friend would see this guy at camp, I asked him to let Dan know that a little 3 year old girl he let sing at camp is now a 15 year old worship leader for her father and their new church plant. Pretty cool, right?!! You never know what kind of impact it will have when you let someone take a first step in service for Christ.
I am grateful for others in her life who encouraged her and gave her opportunities to grow and become the leader she is and will be. Her youth pastor, Christian Gaffney, gave her the latest opportunities and I am a thankful father and pastor.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Just over a month in Canada
My daughters have downloaded Skype - we are dowdys4. We were also introduced to Oovoo which allows multiple people to talk to each online other at the same time. It’s like Skype only better! The girls have enjoyed spending time in the evenings talking to friends from Velocity. And as you probably assume, Kowdy, Taylor and Jenny are the ones they Oovoo the most.
We have been actively working toward Vision TO Week. There is a lot to do but we a checking things off the list. We have 25 or so who said they are coming up from Fair Oaks Church. We are thrilled. Eric and Jill Bisignano are coming up from OH as well. My sister, brother-in-law and their kids are also joining us from PA, a friend from MI, and my parents (of course).
We plan to get into the community and meet people so we can get them into the service on the 22nd of August. We are going to spend some time in the Tansley Woods Community Center meeting people and engaging in activities. We will task individuals with Facebook and Evites, rehearsals for music and children ministry, and training for 1st Impressions and nursery. Thursday through Saturday will be targeted toward kids in our community. Of course, there will also be a few days to enjoy the sights and activities of Toronto. We’re aiming for flexibility to allow families to choose when and what they would want to do for fun through the week.
We have been pretty aggressively meeting everyone we can in our neighborhood and have had a few very good connections and informal house church meetings. One lady is very interested and asked me a few deeper questions about what we believe. She comes from a Catholic background and is really searching. I would not be surprised to be leading her to Christ very soon. Her name is Laura if you will pray for her with us.
Speaking of prayer….here is the list of people we have currently connected with and would like you to pray for their salvation:
Scott, Meghan and daughter, Ryan
Dragon (no kidding…a guy from Serbia!)
Paul and Jesse
Don, Laura and daughters, Eva and Claire
We had a pretty successful event on July 1st with 11 of us on Canada Day for dinner. We were pleased because we have only really gotten to know people in the 2 weeks we’ve all been here plus the week Tracey was here on her own. We were able to share what we are doing in Burlington and we are still interacting with these families.
We were able to share our testimony and the story of Pastor Stokes’ vision in starting this church with my brother-in-law’s church in PA and will share at a friend’s church in MI on July 18th. We are going down to Virginia for a wedding the last weekend in July and as a bonus we’ll see you that Sunday. We look forward to catching up with friends. Ceilidh & Sarah will be down early to go to camp with Velocity and visit friends until Tracey and I arrive.
To say the least, we are having a busy summer and loving it! We are anxious to see what God will do in forming Burlington Community Church and thankful we will be His instruments.
See you on August 1st!
Friday, July 2, 2010
Canada Day Event
When we were inviting neighbors to the cookout, I asked one lady if they wanted to come over and grill with us on Canada Day. She said, "Eeewww...what's that?!" Pretty funny, right? As I was explaining she said, "Oh, you mean BBQ" and laughed at me! :-) I'm still being reeducated to Canadian ways, but she came with her husband and 2 young kids.
We are grateful for a good turn out though Satan was at work even that day. My daughters stayed a few days with their cousins in PA so I left that morning to go get them. It was a simple enough task but when I go to the border, I sat for 4 hours! My sister was kind and loving enough to keep coming my direction rather than the half way point we designated. She ended up coming all the way to the border with the girls. I left the house at 9:30a.m. and returned with Ceilidh and Sarah at 4:40p.m. with guest due to arrive at 5:00p.m. NOT what we had planned and potentially very defeating. Thankfully Tracey was home to keep moving on things and the girls and I were home just in time to help clean a few things, put sodas on ice, pull out little kids' toys and fire up the grill. Incredible obstacles but we got through it and Tracey was the key player in that first outreach event.
We look forward to seeing what God will do with us in the future and can't wait to have our friends and family come to help us get the word out during Vision TO Week!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
In Canada Now!
It is now Tuesday, June 22, and we have finished settling in and I am able to focus on the church today. I am so thrilled to be at work here and our house is starting to feel like home. My office is set up in a cold, unfinished basement so as far as status goes, I can only go up from here! :-) There are still a few logistical things to figure out as we prepare for Vision TO week and know that it will fall together now that we are physically in place. Look for heavy publicity soon!
My Brother-In-Law, Trent Kirkland, is having us visit Zion Baptist Church in Clarion PA to talk about our church plant and visit with them on June 27. I am looking forward to catching up with them and another opportunity to talk about Burlington Community Church and the missions work of Fair Oaks Church. I never get tired of sharing what God has and is doing for us.
What to pray for right now for the BCC?
First outreach opportunity on July 1 when we invite neighbors to a Dominion Day BBQ
House Church begin in July
2 Community wide invitations to hear about BCC @ Tansely Woods Community Centre
Warm reception from Canadians
Many to come help us get 100 Canadians to our church on Aug. 22
We appreciate your prayers and support! Hope you will come and visit us soon!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
One Week to Go!
My wife called me after rehearsal tonight and asked me to go for ice cream. What a nice idea and wonderful treat because...I LOVE ICE CREAM!!! She was being very kind and showing love to doing something I love to do. What a sweet woman! Everything was going great! Birds were singing, we were holding hands while running through a meadow, church bells were ringing, love was in the air, people we didn't even know were giving us fist bumps on the way into the ice cream shop, then...I opened my mouth! What is wrong with me and why am I stressing out? She was trying to help me relax and relieve some stress but I was a complete JERK! I cannot believe I am allowing myself to get so worked up about nothing. Those who know us would not even believe I was panicking over things. I need to get control over myself and let God work in my heart and mind. Only then will I have peace to enjoy my life and wife again. I pray I have the wisdom to rely on God now for what is going to happen because I can do nothing on my own.
Lord, help me to live a life that is pleasing to You. Help me to love my wife and daughters in such a way that I will deal with my own issues and talk to my pastor and friends to get the strength and support You provide through them. Help me to keep trusting in You because I foolishly try to keep doing things my own way. You are my God, Creator, Savoir, King and Father. You know the future and You know what is best for me. Live in and through me because I am useless without You. I love and adore you, your servant, Roy. Amen and Amen!
Monday, April 26, 2010
New Determination
Tracey and I were at a conference last week and received some greater, new determination from the Lord. The interesting thing is that the person who made the most impact at a time when we really needed it, lives right in our area. Mark Batterson shared some of the struggles he and his wife went through in starting a church. This was good for us because a person (me) can feel alone/unique in their circumstances. In my head, I know others have had many different trials that are similar and I needed to hear that...again. I was beginning to think "doors are shutting" but they weren't. I am caught in some things that only God can work out for us and it can be uncomfortable. It challenges my ability to trust and depend on Him. But when you think about it, why wouldn't I just trust and depend on Him? I am one of His children, right? On that fact alone, I am set, right? Though some things are not going as we had planned, we still have a church family who is behind us in all these efforts God has orchestrated. Pastor Stokes is still very encouraging to us in our efforts and we really have nothing to fear or dread.
It is interesting that while I am going through this, my Bible reading plan is taking me through the book of Joshua. Isn't that incredible! This is a guy taking on a big challenge of taking the promised land and needs the encouragement to "be strong and courageous." I need to hear that and have been hearing it during this entire trial. I just need to do it now. Which JUST DO IT, by the way, was the series our pastor just preached during the time we were going through this trial! Now I'm I just stupid or what?!! (Don't answer that question out loud to me, please. Spare me a dignity...) So God has been speaking to me in many ways and I now see myself in a state of blessing and care throughout my trail.
So...what are my current trials I am determined to get through? Well, we went up to Burlington the first full week of April and found "the perfect house and church building." Seriously, they are beautiful! We talked to the realtor 3 times on the other side of the house deal and let him know our contract was coming. He told us the house has been vacant since February so no problem get it in next week. Then, we talked to a community center in Burlington that would rent to us but another church was looking to rent. I told the person to talk to that church to see if they wanted the space before we took it. She called them and they were only looking so I said, "Great, we want it and we want to be exclusive renters for Sunday mornings." She said I will send you the paper work and we are good to go. We got back into town and talked to our pastor and his wife on Tuesday morning about "all the great things God has done!" Then we submitted our paper work for everything. The VERY next day we lost the house (rented out on the weekend we returned) and the church (that other church came back and wanted to rent here too). What?!! We were so discouraged because we had everything set up so we just had to gather stuff and move up on June 5th. Now we have to figure this all out again and find time to get back up there in May. On top of that, the buyer on our home in VA bailed on Friday afternoon! This buyer was patiently waiting for the bank who had negotiated 3 times with them and coming back with more changes. This was very frustrating but we understand why the buyer walked. They had an offer on our home since October 2009 and enough is enough.
So...these are the circumstances we went with to the conference. Pastor and Karen were as loving and gracious as can be. They showed compassion and knew what we were going through because they have been through many trials too.
I went to the conference wondering what to expect. When Mark Batterson was the first up to share how they lost 2 homes and a place for their church to meet then God gave them National Church in Union Station, I was ready to listen and experience the conference...selfishly. I was looking for things for me and my wife to help us recommit. I got a chance to talk personally to Ed Stetzer and ask him the "what would you do?" question about our circumstances. (Different set of circumstances regarding starting a church without a team but my family.) Then, the conference ended with hearing Francis Chan talk about leaving one church he started to start another in the heart of LA. In the message, he shared a 4 min. testimony his wife gave at their goodbye service. This was very good for us and gave me a greater appreciation for what Tracey was feeling. The bottom line is Francis Chan came to the conclusion that God wanted him to plant this church though he is 40 and pretty set where he is. He came to realize that though he wanted to stay at Cornerstone, he could never again speak of obedience before his people because he was not obedient. At that point, we fell in complete surrender and submission once again to be obedient to our call.
Tracey and I have new determination! We are frustrated with our circumstances and ask God daily to reveal Himself so we can move forward. We know it will change and we need to trust. God is good and we wait for His answers.
Interestingly, as we continue through our trials, my Bible reading plan has me going through another book, the book of Job. Is this incredible or what?!! God gave me a verse last week that I had read over and over but now took root in my heart. "But he knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold." (Job 23:10) Reaching for the gold now! :-)
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Seriously...what is REALLY important?
I am going to say straight up that there are a lot of things that go through your mind and a lot of plans in preparation for a church plant. The more I check off my list and evaluate my heart and motives for what I am doing and thinking, the more "narrow minded" I am becoming. I am asking a truck load of why questions to myself (and to Tracey when she is willing to hear them). I do not want to waste time focusing on anything but what is entirely essential in starting a church.
Two incredible thoughts are spinning around me from the last two Unleashed Conferences in Anderson, SC from the mouth of Perry Noble.
Last year Perry said, "If God has called you to start a church, get your Bible and go preach with fire! Grab some dude to help you who can play a guitar and make it happen!" This was very encouraging to me because THAT'S WHAT I THINK! This is not an excuse to be lazy or to dismiss anything creative or costly. Planting a church WILL COST no doubt about it. Nor is this an excuse to think small...I plan on 100 Canadians to help me kick this baby off the ground. This statement is one of focus. God called - I go! Plain a simple. I fully intend on building a large church to God's glory. Rick Warren said, "There is no sin in being small but there is in thinking small." I just need to focus narrowly enough to know that the call to go has real, significant power accompanied with the promise of God to be with me as I follow Him.
This past year, Perry Noble said that we did not have to study and follow all the steps of starting a church. If God called you to start a church, he will give you direction. (I paraphrased but this is the essence of what he said.) This is not an excuse for lack of preparation or gathering information and ideas. I readily admit that I don't know everything about what I am getting ready to do but I have a pastor, David R. Stokes, who has offered his help. He is becoming more dear to me on this journey. He has provided vision, finances, mentoring, and education to move forward. I am going to the Exponential Church Planters Conference and I know that I will grow. I will find out more stuff and ways to reach people than I ever knew before but at the end of the day, it is God and I who need to "run the ball down the field." God knows where I'm headed and what am am capable of and He care about me more than anyone. I know I can trust Him and find what is right in reaching people of the GTA.
Since I have started this journey to Toronto, I have had a few "nay sayers." Yep...they are there and have discouraged me at times even before I get to TO! I had a few preachers and a counselor tell me of many churches that have tried to start in the area I am going. They said that there were some pretty talented preachers and gifted people come up there only to fail. I had another guy tell me of a church in that area that preys on churches that have stared and failed...THAT'S NICE, RIGHT? :-) They told me the whole strategy. The bigger church befriends the pastor of the new work. As it struggles, the pastor would dissolve the church and have the congregation join the bigger church. The bigger church will hire the church planter then fire him after 6 - 8 months. If this isn't building a large church to the glory of God, I don't know what is?!! (read: very heavy, heavy, extremely heavy sarcastic remark) When I hear this stuff, I can't help but think I am either being warned of my fate or I'd better be so committed and stubborn that nothing will move me. I choose to believe the latter! I am NOT going up there to fail. One thing I have that other church planters going to Canada do not is that I know church life up there and I grew up there. I know the hardships ahead of me...and I am still going!
So, seriously! What is really important? The call, preaching the word with power, fervent prayer life, and worship that reveals God is present. I'm just that narrow minded to believe that works!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
A Little somethin' somethin' about my dad...
A co-worker said to me yesterday, "So, you reading through the book of Proverbs Pastor Roy?" And as a matter of fact, I am. This book has always been my favorite. I cannot tell you how many times I have used its wisdom. Sometimes even in a negative when someone doesn't follow through on a promise. I love using the proverb, "an unfaithful man is like a loose tooth or a foot out of joint!" Those people love it when I quote that verse to them! :-)
So...where did my love for Proverbs come from? Well, I grew up going to a small Christian School in Canada. My father was the principal, administrator, and eventually even the pastor of that church and school. He wore all 3 hats! Suffice to say, "grass did not grow under his feet." One thing he always led at school was the opening devotion and prayer with the staff and students. It was only 5 - 10 min. long and he always used passages from Proverbs. I remember sitting there and soaking in the verses and brief commentary saying to myself, I hope I can be that wise or gain enough wisdom to do the right thing all the time. Dad loves Proverbs and passed that love along to his oldest son and I would dare say to all who listened to him day after day. I love my father for passing along that wisdom and giving of his time to others. I pray I am passing wisdom along to my family and those around me.
If you are not gaining wisdom from Proverbs, start today. If you're thinking you'll pass on that one, let me give you one old Canadian expression..."Smarten up, eh!" a.k.a. don't be so stupid. :-)
Monday, February 15, 2010
Something about Tracey...
Friday night we went out for wings, watched a movie from blockbuster, and watched the opening of the Olympics in Vancouver, BC (I mean the opening was in Vancouver not us, we were on the couch). Saturday, we had breakfast together, did a few things necessary to be ready for Sunday church services, took in an early dinner and movie (we went to see Wolfman not that the Valentine movie...), and home early for me to work on my role for Sunday. Sunday, we went to church, I ran home afterward to clean the house for prospective buyers while Tracey finished a project at church, then we went to Wendy's for lunch. (By the way, have you tried Wendy's bacon blue? If you like blue cheese, this is a good burger! I will order it with two beef patties instead of one next time but I digress.) Then, we got the kids from camp, ran a few errands and enjoyed dinner and the all star basketball game with a few friends.
For some couples, this may have been a very lame weekend and I would agree with them as far as activities and gifts go, but for us, it was a combination of what needed to be done, what we wanted to do, and a lot of just hanging together. After 20 years, I can't think of anyone else I'd rather just do stuff with. She is my friend, my love, my joy, and my everything (reference to our new favorite song by Micheal Buble).
Tracey is a great woman with a wealth of interests. She has a great sense of humor and drawing personality. These things drew me to her 20 years ago and I still find them attractive today. I pray God gives us many more Valentine's Days together!
So...did you spend Valentine's Day with someone that comfortable to be around? Is your relationship good/comfortable? This was a weekend to test things like that and make sure you are enjoying each other for who you are and who God placed in your life.
Now, will Valentine's Day always look like this for us? I sure hope not! :-) I would hope we are creative enough in our relationship to make the next one special in it's own way just as we have done (or not done) in the past. I just hope we are always connected enough to roll with whatever is right for us each year.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Welcome to my blog...
We have been called by the Lord and commissioned through Pastor David R. Stokes and the Fair Oaks Church in Fairfax, Virginia. Though we are an autonomous, independent church, we have been blessed to have the support and guidance of a larger ministry. It was through God’s leading and preaching of Pastor Stokes that this ministry came into existence. Fair Oaks Church has been phenomenal in its support leading in the area of finances, short term missions, and potential church planting members. Because of Vision TO, our ministry in Canada, we are partnering with this ministry for combined future missions efforts.
Burlington Community Church proudly proclaims the work of Jesus Christ and Salvation through His name. We are committed to reaching out to the community and living our lives as a faithful testimony of the transforming power of Christ. We invite you to do the same!
Continue to follow this blog and comment as God leads you. I am happy you joined me in the conversations and pray they will be a blessing to you.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Do you have a fishbowl?

Roy asked me awhile ago to post here on his blog. Here's my last post from the Fair Oaks Arts blog
“We are praying hard for everything going on for you guys in the coming year. We have a Toronto fund for our trip up there... I save all our change and the rebates I've been doing with my crazy couponing in a fish bowl. Silly, I know - but not only is that fish bowl of money on my kitchen counter a good saving tool (and of course home decor fashion statement), it's also a good reminder to pray daily for you guys b/c I think God is going to do amazing things through you.”
That’s an email from my friend Jill (re-printed with permission of course).
In less than 5 months, Roy & I are leaving the comfort of the familiar to step out in faith & start a church in Burlington, Ontario, just outside Toronto. On paper, not much of this makes sense. Who in their right mind would leave the security of a solid ministry with strong leader & talented team to start all this from scratch?
That doesn’t even consider the personal aspect. We have daughters – 16 & 14 - who are starting over with us. My biggest concern when Roy & I started praying about all this was how they would react. They were immediately on board & for me, that was further proof of it all being God led. It would take hours to tell you all the ways God has opened doors & given us direction. All the time He was working on me & Roy He was working on our kids as well. He was also giving Pastor Stokes direction. God’s timing is perfect.
Our families are very supportive. Even more humbling is the support we’ve received from friends like Jill. There’s no way I would even consider something like this if I didn’t believe the vision God planted in our hearts Roy’s ability to lead the work.
All of this brings me back to my question about security & comfort. This is well outside my comfort zone. What is God asking you to do that is outside your comfort zone?
You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.
C. S. Lewis
Do you have a fishbowl? How are you stepping out in faith to be part of something bigger than the every day? How are you demonstrating your faith to your kids? To your unsaved family & friends? God may never ask you to pack up your life & move your family to another country and start over. But He does expect you to be part of His work. He expects you to stretch outside your comfort zone. Get out of your routine, out of your rut.
Remember, as Vance Havner once said,
“A rut is just a grave with both ends kicked out.”
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
New Year - New Creation
I will tell you that we are ready to do what God would have us do. We are setting up the details with Pastor Stokes for Fair Oaks Church and others to be a part of this project. God has blessed us and we look forward to the future.
I will keep you posted on our progress and when we have launched our website. Until then...Keep praying!