We started a new series this past Sunday called EPIC. This is a series that will run for through Christmas and we will add a special emphasis at the end of November for Christmas. The idea of these messages is to help those new to faith get familiar with the greatest stories from the Bible ending with the Nativity. It was interesting to watch the faces of those who have never heard the story of Daniel and the Lions' Den. To pull together the elements of the story and draw the application for our lives. I thoroughly enjoyed preaching it.
Daniel is a great character in the Bible and one I admire for his wisdom, conviction and boldness. He knew what was right and followed it no matter what. The end result was that God shut the mouths of the lions and Daniel was rescued.
The final point of the message was in regard to the law of the Medes and Persians which cannot be broken just like we face the law of sin and death for eternity. As Daniel was rescued by God from the terms of the law, we are rescued by God from the terms of the spiritual law. As Daniel was doomed to face the lion so we were doomed to face the "roaring lion" (Satan) except that God rescues.
If you haven't read the story of Daniel and the Lion's Den, it is found in Daniel 6. Read it and discover once again all the great applications of consistency in prayer, conviction to stand, integrity before the world and much more!
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