Sunday, November 13, 2011
Surviving the Tornado
Monday, September 26, 2011
Monday, September 12, 2011
One Year!
Monday, July 18, 2011
Looking Back

Monday, July 11, 2011
I Was Broke...
- God is our provider and everything belongs to Him! When we start there, any amount we could/would make is because He has blessed us with the job or the resources we have.
- God wants us to plan and use our money/resources wisely as good stewards of what He has entrusted to us.
- We reap what we sow. When we use money correctly, we see it reap benefits or have savings we can use. When we use money unwisely or incorrectly, we reap the consequences of those decisions and always find ourselves running out of money or nothing left to spare.
- It is more blessed to give than receive! It is always great to give gifts. That is usually the benefit of doing the wise thing with our funds. When we are able to give and give more, we are being blessed and in a place for God to bless us again. You cannot out-give God!
Monday, June 13, 2011
You Are NOT Invited to Church
Monday, June 6, 2011
One Year!
Monday, May 16, 2011
Modern Family
Modern Family
…Yet Happy?
q Relationships
“Life is relationships; the rest is just details.” Dr. Scott Sticksel
· Make Jesus first (Matthew 6:33 & Joshua 24:15)
· Commit to your marriage (Matthew 19:6…asunder)
· Enjoy your kids!
q Respect
“Earned respect will always outweigh positional respect.”
· Take responsibility for your own actions (Ephesians 5:21 & Romans 12:10)
· Listen & Understand each other
· Resolve conflicts quickly (Ephesians 4:26)
q Rules
· Follow God’s rules (Psalm 119)
· Agree on Marital rules (Hebrews 13:4)
· Reasonable and age-appropriate rules (Proverbs 22:6 & Ephesians 6:4)
“Rules without relationship lead to rebellion.” Josh McDowell
· Creativity and individuality
· Encouragement and instruction
q Reconciliation
· Free to confess
· Free to forgive (Ephesians 4:32 & 1John 1:9)
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Mother's Day
"Did you say something encouraging to your children today? The average parent has 10 negatives to 1 positive. Don't be average. Look for opportunities to express love and encouragement to your children today! If you were critical, remember it takes 4 plus encouragements to negate the effect of one negative statement. Do your best to raise a positive children." Al Menconi Ministries
Mothers have a great responsibility in building their children up. There are so many negative things in this life that can discourage and destroy a child's destiny so home has to be a place for building up not tearing down. If you ever take the time to read a biography of Abraham Lincoln you will discover just how much his mother had a part in building him up. I read one biography of him back in school and another about 6 years ago. What an incredible love he had for her and what potential she saw in him. He was motivated to read and learn while his father wanted him to do chores and a lot of physical labor. His mother found ways for him to do both and told him he would do something great one day. What a wise woman.
I have been blessed with a mother who believed in me and built me up. Time and time again she would instruct me to do the right thing. She also joined many of my backyard baseball games, played cards, games, puzzle races and all sorts of fun activities when we were kids. She instilled such love and acceptance that I had a lot of confidence to do whatever I wanted. From piano lessons to what I do today, I always had confidence. Maybe too much at times! She always did this by staying positive and saying positive things. I was not a perfect kid and I'm sure I gave her many reasons to say something negative. If she did say anything negative, there was more than enough positive to cover it up!
Are you able to say the same of your mother? If you are a mother, are you able to find enough positive things to say about your child(ren)? If it is a struggle for you, here is a great guiding principle. "Whatever is true, noble, honest, right, pure, lovely, admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think on these things!" (Philippians 4:8)
Happy Mother's Day!