Monday, January 24, 2011


I am often bewildered by how much it takes, costs, and draws out of a person when it comes to planting a church. I was talking to a fellow church planter who said to me, "If you are going to start a church, make sure you are wearing your spiritual cup!" Of course his reference was to the many bumps and bruises along the way to accomplish what God has called us to. At this stage in the game, I can tell you a few stories, oh yeah! Holy cow can I tell you stories of sacrifice...and transition, and loneliness, and discouragement, and frustration, etc... But is it really any different for anyone really trying to do something for God? And are there not just as many rewarding if not better things than the rough stuff we face?

One pastor asked me how I was doing and I jokingly said, "Well, we just need more people and more money." :-) He replied, "Me too!" Is it really any different what we pastors need and pray that God will give us? Nope! Pastors serve a risen Savior who we love to serve and pray that He will bless us according to efforts and sacrifice. Is it wrong to think that or pray that way? Are we really "sacrificing" when Jesus said this, "I tell you the one who has left home or wife or brothers or parents or children for the sake of the kingdom of God will fail to receive many times as much in this age and, in the age to come, eternal life." (Luke 18:29-30) So if we have a promise like this, are we really sacrificing? I would say, No. We are being obedient and God will take care of us. It even sounds to me like we are rewarded in this life and in heaven. Are you reading this the same way I am?

This is a great boost for me on a Monday morning! Mondays can be a day to look at things very negatively but when I read this, I know I just need to stop being a baby, right? Another very precious promise in the Bible that seems to support this idea is this, "and let us not be weary in well doing, for in due season we shall reap if we faint not." (Galatians 6:9)

Hope you are making sacrifices today because they are certainly rewarded!

Monday, January 17, 2011

About My Wife...

My wife is a lovely person with a lot of great qualities. I have been married to her for 20 years and she has been my best friend, lover and support of everything I do. I do not give her the credit she deserves for following me in our last adventure to Canada. She couldn't help but wince at what we were embarking on and I played "chicken" with her all the way here! ;-) Neither one of us were going to give up on what we felt God was calling us. We had moments of doubt, anxiety, loneliness, fear and many other feelings but these are enough to mention for now.

On top of all this, we discovered that she has been medicated for her thyroid condition almost 3 times the dosage! Our doctors in VA had a treatment plan to "out smart" the thyroid cells so the body would be "tricked" into thinking there was more than enough chemicals floating around in her body. With that happening, these thyroid cells would not regenerate or do what they were designed to do. With lower activity, there was less chance of cancer forming again in her body. This sounds like a good plan but what was the end result of this? Irritability, lack of concentration, depression, and loss of sleep so bad that she took an ambien (sleeping pill) most nights and still did not sleep many of those nights. This has been her situation for 3 years and I assumed it would be the way we lived from now on.

However, her new doctor wants her to be normal. I think I would like that too! ;-) We are now on a correct dosage and I am looking forward to seeing how she responds. She will notice a little difference in 2 weeks and full difference in 2 months. I will update you on her changes back to being "normal." :-)

I didn't have a deep thing to blog about but I love my wife. That is kind of deep...I am glad she is going to get some relief soon and pray that cancer cells keep away as she adjusts. This doctor would like to try this new treatment and we feel it may be a good thing and time for the adjustment. Believe it or not, she has already been cancer free for about 5 years. Wow! Praise God for that! lovely is she and what great qualities does she have? She is an amazing cook, very well read, knows sign language, media ability, administrative ability, great mom, and quick witted. There are many more but I should stop here and go tell her myself.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Consumer Christianity

I came across the term Consumer Christianity during my last associate pastor position and it has become a great term to describe a lot of ways Christians seem to view the church. Today it is as if we have to measure up to some expectation of church experiences or "stuff"that has nothing to do with the real basics of church, Christianity or what Jesus came to die for! It is remarkable that the western church culture insists that a church have specific services to meet their needs. For instance, I led an outreach basketball program that was intended to reach the community, families and see some come to Christ. I was bothered when someone thanked me for having an "alternative" basketball program for their kids. They were pleased that there was a Christian experience for their Christian kids. Though this is good (maybe), it was not the intention of the program. The same goes for Christian school perhaps and the list can go on and on... How much to we accomodate and our people and children never experience hardcore faith and practice?

In preparation for starting a church, I took in quite a few conferences and things to prepare for this journey. The latest work of Hugh Halter challenged my thinking in several ways including how much we offer here in western culture and church as opposed to eastern cultures and faiths. Our church start has had to scrape back to the basics of church which is something I have not had to consider since the early days of ministy in Canada with my father. Burlington Communtih Church has one big addition...Coffee and Donuts! I would have to say this is probably not an ordained part of church experience but we like it.

Though I would like to guard against this consumer Christiantiy mentality in our church, I find myself having to do so personally. I can get caught up in all the things our church "doesn't have"that I don't appreciate what we DO have! I can complain about things and try to make changes that would be more comfortable but that is not what it is about. What am I willing to give up of my current experiences in church development? Am I frustrated with what has or hasn't happened? And I trying to create and do things and are not even necessary and adding to the comsumer Christian phenomenon? Tough!

Then...I am reminded that MY expectations are not what God is about. My daughters do not have a youth group in our new church, but they are growing! We sang in another church plant in our area on Sunday afternoon and what a blessing it was to see their gifts and talents used beyond our church. I spent 20 minutes with my daughters last night answering a bunch of questions they had as they were reading through thier Bibles together. That's good, right? Though we have not catered to thier need for a youth group, they are growing and serving. I am a very proud dad!
So I ask myself, is it too easy for ME to get caught up in that? How do I encourage our church to press forward and not get messed up in consumerism when I face it myself? All I can to is pray and be faithful. God will give us the talent and passion for ministries He wants us to have in His time. I pray for wisdom to recognize them and courage to make them happen. I don't want to be a consumer or do things just because that is the way I used to do it or another church I know does it that way. But I do want to do what God is directing me to do and challenge our church family everyday with "what can we do more?" and "are we ready for visitiors?" That is what has been our focus in January. Shaping a core team for a huge impact!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Am I Ready?

This is a very simple yet profound question for the new year. We had our first service of the new year and faced this question in terms of our church and as individuals. We have a big job to do and it cannot be done without counting the cost and evaluating who we are.

On Sunday, I called for our committed few to become the core of Burlington Community Church. In many church plants, there is a group of committed leaders who come into town with everything "ready to go." Each one has their specific task and area of ministry to lead. This is great because they are able to meet as a team and be sure they are ready for any task or mission they face that week. Everyone has gifts and talents that strengthen these efforts and help everything to go as smoothly as possible. I came family. We have our talents and gifts to offer but we have definite needs. We stretched ourselves as thin as possible to handle as much as we could for the church. Ceilidh and Sarah are as important as another ministry couple would be. I could not be a prouder father of my teenage girls and their dedication to what we are doing.

We have been able to secure a decent sound system to set up at a community center we rent. We set this up every Sunday. We have a children's ministry set up each Sunday as well. We have a hospitality table with coffee, donuts and items for visitors and attendees to take. My daughters and wife take turns in children's ministry and I preach every week. The girls and I also sing and play instruments. Outside of a weekly Bible study and band rehearsal, we are at the end of ourselves and need God to take it further. How long have we operated like this? Since day one and we continue to do so.

So...God taking us further has brought in others who play guitar, sing, run the sound board, offer skills in graphics and website, help with set up and pack up and engage in outreach events. We have been blessed by those who have seen what we are trying to do and have jumped on board. This group is now confronted with my challenge to form the core or "founding fathers" group of our church. What will that mean? We all take ownership and participate in everything that needs to be done! I used the lamest illustration ever about a bellybutton and how you have an "inny" or an "outy" but God wants both in our expression of service. In my mind this was going to be very funny and practical wife has banned me from ever using that illustration ever again! :-) I agree with her. It was horrible! But everyone needs to see themselves in terms of what we do out in the world to reach people and what we do in the church to encourage each other and make our church a warm inviting place for guests.

On top of this, we will explore exactly what we believe, what our mission and purposes will be and how we practically live that out. We will also take the time to do a little training and be on task for the jobs set before us! Next Sunday we will have a list of all the things that need to be done, who can do them and how we can spread the load so no one is overwhelmed. This will be exciting to see how a little can mean a lot in our service and worship.

Before all of this can happen, we take the time to concentrate on 3 simple words - Clean, Clear and Close. In order for any of us to be effective, we must clean up our lives and remove sinful habits, get a clear vision of who we are, what our purpose in life is and what we believe, and draw as close to God as we can so we are always in fellowship with Him and obeying His commands.

Big opportunities that require big inner searching. So...Am I Ready? I hope so!