Ever watch the movie,
The Blob?

It is meant to scare you because it takes over everything. I enjoyed the movie as a kid but have experienced versions of it as an adult. For example, I alway get a kick out of Hank Hill from
King of the Hill and the pot shots that show takes on "The Mega Mart" and how they are wiping out the small businesses. Big corporate banks have done the same! There are probably many examples we can point to. In a way, they are like The Blob because they grow and take over. In no time at all, they gain control and wipe out anything in their path.
Are there Blob churches? I thought about that this past week after a pastor friend of mine and I had dessert together with our wives. He mentioned a very aggressive growing church movement here in Canada that is coming into our area. He said, "I know as churches we are not in competition but..." I actually really like this church, the pastor and all the creative things they are doing. I even listen to this guy's podcasts. I know that when they roll into town it will be a big wave, many will attend their services and they will scoop up a lot of church people because of their fame. In a sense, very much a blob church.
I have no idea what the outcome of their presence will be. I met a great Pentecostal pastor here in town who has a great church and seeing people saved weekly. Last time I talked to him, they were baptizing 14 people! My heart just bursts in my chest when I hear this because I am excited for them and want to see that in my own ministry. 14 people baptized...that was my attendance last week!
When I think of that Pentecostal pastor, the pastor friend Tracey and I had dessert with, and The Blob Church, I begin to wonder why the 14 people we had on Sunday would even bother coming. To top it off, Tracey and I are going through a rough spell right now that is partly related to the huge sacrifices that had to be made to make any ground here in Burlington. Then I need to encourage myself because...if there are 14 that would follow us, THERE'S GOT TO BE MORE OUT THERE!
We won't be taken back by The Blob Church because we have nothing to lose. :-) As a matter of fact, we had a visitor from The Blob Church on our first Sunday. They liked me and the church but when I asked them to join the endeavor, they wanted Blob Church. They liked Blob Church preaching, programs, and the fact that they can go and sit. You can't do that at Burlington Community Church. As a matter of fact, pretty much everyone has to do something. There are a few still flying under the radar but not for long. Church plants take sacrifice...sacrifice Tracey and I were not aware of until we were in it. We have no reservations asking for people to sacrifice because we've already done that ourselves! Jesus put it this way, "Take up your cross, and follow Me."
I had several conversations with Christians from other churches who would have come to help me but wanted to give me a week or two of there time. They were even trying to calculate how they could serve in two churches at once. I am not asking the people to enjoy a comfortable time, or enjoy my preaching (though I hope my preaching is not completely boring!). I am asking them to die with me, and I told them so this past Sunday. I will have to reassure them next Sunday that I didn't mean like in a compound kind of way where everyone drinks Kool-Aide at the end. ;-)
The Blob movie never scared me as a kid and The Blob Church is not a threat as an adult. As a matter of fact, it is a Kingdom work that I pray will continue to grow and win many for Christ. My prayer is that God will send more to Burlington Community Church and allow His kingdom to grow in many unique and powerful ways through men and ministries surrendered to Him! The important thing is that we are on track with what God has called us to and not worry about Blob Church coming to town.