The series has taken a turn because I started to think systemically about the church and how to survive storms so we (as a church) stand strong. We began with restating our vision. This is a good place to start so we know what we are standing firm on. BCC is Building Community in Christ! We are to build each other up in faith, reach out to our community all for the cause of Christ and the changes He has made in our lives! What a wonderful way to think through what God has done for us.
Today, I focused on a Servant's Heart and what that means. Commitment and to each other and service makes all the difference in the world! It is also what bonds our hearts together in Christ. I am the closest and strongest with those who I serve and serve with. That bond is the strength like a rock that can stand the winds and storms.
Next week we finally get to the doctrinal pieces. It is not enough to have a vision and commitment. It MUST be anchored in the Word of God and the truth that each church must have to stand for years to come. We are proud of our church and can't wait to bring this message next Sunday!