When I look back over the year, we have had a lot of activities and lives we have touched along the way. From neighbors we met at the beginning to church attenders, we have met people that have enriched and blessed our lives! We have seen 3 salvation decisions and hope to see more before the year is out. We are approach
ing our first baptism service and will baptize a man who has become so faithful in the church and helping with our music ministry. There are times that his growth in the Lord has been the fuel to my passion for ministry here.
Soon, another man in our church will take a post as a minister in prisons in Hamilton. He has his orientation soon and will begin leading men to Christ in that setting. Praise the Lord for that! He and I have been meeting weekly for prayer and Bible study since the church began. I love to see a committed Christian who grew up in church take a position of service. I wish all who grew up in church would see that potential and press on in Christ!
My daughters have grown in the Lord. They have a place of service and using their voices and talents for the Lord weekly. I cannot begin to describe the gift God has given this church with the work they and Tracey do.
Tracey has been helping in every aspect of ministry here and I am VERY thankful for her in my life! Last week we celebrated 21 years of marriage. Her mother and brother came up from Windsor and took us to dinner to celebrate.
Tracey is not only helping me but she has picked up a position for Toronto Church Planting. She is an administrator for them and helping us connect with more support organizations. I am so thankful for her drive and determination in this area of ministry in Canada.
We have been blessed by FEB Central helping us get planted and a group to fellowship with too. This church planting group helped us file paperwork to begin our church, took me to a conference and connected us with a group of pastors I have enjoyed working with. This group helped me get my credentials to marry people in Ontario too. Enjoying the networks God has used to help me.
Finally, we have been blessed by Fair Oaks Church that has taken care of my salary and some to begin this work in the GTA. Pastor Stokes has been there when I called for help and offers excellent advice! We had the Vision TO Team up from Fair Oaks here last summer, Mike and Brenda Zizolfo in the fall, Brooks and Izzy (and Bella) Franklin around Thanksgiving time to help with an outreach, Jenny Alt up for a visit during Christmas, Christian, Stephanie and the youth group up for a missions trip and dodge ball tournament early April, Jim and Fran Clifton dropped in during a business trip in Rochester, NY, and Phil and Amber Bassham (Penny and Nate too) and Taylor Boose up for Ceilidh's graduation and tech ministry support in June. Very grateful for Fair Oaks Church support!
Though it has taken a lot to carve out what little we have now, we are praying for God to open the windows of heaven and bless u
s more in year #2! Our highest attendance was 50 this year and lowest 8. If you haven't been up to visit, consider coming to our Anniversary Sunday! It is August 28th!

Lord Bless You and keep us in your prayers!!!