Beginning BCC has been one of the most difficult things I've done but picking out the first sermons series was not. I knew from day one that I would want to deal with the subject, Church, Why Bother?. This has been an incredible journey and the question is something many are asking. We have had more than one encounter with Canadians who have simply given up on church. BCC is shedding the weight of "church and religion" to take on the life Christ meant us to have. You see, when most in the world see the church in light of their perception or stereotype, it is important that we present a church that is about life and abundant life in Christ. This is something the world does not see and we, the church, are to blame. We can become so rigid, set in our ways and filled with rules that we do not present a living church. So with this in mind, my very first sermon on August 22nd was about what a person should expect from a church. Here are my thoughts:
Act 2:42-47 tells of of a very real and very alive church. When the church was doing all it was supposed to do, people were saved, baptized and added to the church. This is the goal, what every church wants to be. This is the church Christ is the foundation of and power for.
Sadly, the church is not seen as a place of life change and growth. As a matter of fact, many in Canada do not go to church at all. “It is no longer 1955, when 68% of Canadians attended a place of worship on a weekly basis. Now, church attendance in Canada is more like 13%. In some urban settings, it is even lower.” Borderland Churches - Nelson (2008) We can argue over the reasons behind this but the truth is that most Canadians will not be in church this Sunday.
What can a person expect from Burlington Community Church? Are we going to have life, growth and change or are we going to be another presence in the community with no power to change anything? Because of Christ, there are 3 things we can promise a person will experience when they walk through our doors.
1. Love – I Corinthians 13.
We want anyone who comes to our church to experience love. This love is patient, gentle, kind but also casting out of fear and willing to be open and honest. It is the kind of love that will be greater than the imperfections we may encounter in each other.
2. Forgiveness – Ephesians 4:32.
Forgiveness is not condoning what someone has done but choosing not to dwell on their failures or sin. It is knowing what is wrong and extending grace to the repentant soul.
3. Hospitality – Romans 12:13
Hospitality is more than "throwing a good party." It is about being willing to give of ourselves. It is about giving up our own comforts for the sake of others. “The friend who can be silent with us in a moment of grief and bereavement, who can tolerate not-knowing, not curing, not healing and face with us the reality of our powerlessness, that is the friend who cares.” Out of Solitude - Henri Nouwen (1974) There are so many ways that we can show hospitality but we get stuck in our own selfishness most of the time.
Perfection and ultimate example found in Christ! Here is how we know…
1. Love – John 3:16 & 1 John 4:10
Christ loved us so much that He came to die on the cross for our sins. His expression of love is our salvation. His example of love is our witness to the world. Because he loved us that much, we can love each other.
2. Forgiveness – Ephesians 4:32
Because Christ forgave us, we can forgive others. This is more than a suggestion, it is a command. Christ forgave ALL of our sin, we are to do the same for others.
3. Hospitality – Philippians 2:6-11
Christ took on the form of man and humbled Himself by taking on our sins and dying on the cross. He left his throne in heaven to be our savior. The least we can do is leave the comforts of our own homes to reach out to someone who needs Christ.