Roy asked me awhile ago to post here on his blog. Here's my last post from the Fair Oaks Arts blog http://fairoaksarts.blogspot.com/
“We are praying hard for everything going on for you guys in the coming year. We have a Toronto fund for our trip up there... I save all our change and the rebates I've been doing with my crazy couponing in a fish bowl. Silly, I know - but not only is that fish bowl of money on my kitchen counter a good saving tool (and of course home decor fashion statement), it's also a good reminder to pray daily for you guys b/c I think God is going to do amazing things through you.”
That’s an email from my friend Jill (re-printed with permission of course).
In less than 5 months, Roy & I are leaving the comfort of the familiar to step out in faith & start a church in Burlington, Ontario, just outside Toronto. On paper, not much of this makes sense. Who in their right mind would leave the security of a solid ministry with strong leader & talented team to start all this from scratch?
That doesn’t even consider the personal aspect. We have daughters – 16 & 14 - who are starting over with us. My biggest concern when Roy & I started praying about all this was how they would react. They were immediately on board & for me, that was further proof of it all being God led. It would take hours to tell you all the ways God has opened doors & given us direction. All the time He was working on me & Roy He was working on our kids as well. He was also giving Pastor Stokes direction. God’s timing is perfect.
Our families are very supportive. Even more humbling is the support we’ve received from friends like Jill. There’s no way I would even consider something like this if I didn’t believe the vision God planted in our hearts Roy’s ability to lead the work.
All of this brings me back to my question about security & comfort. This is well outside my comfort zone. What is God asking you to do that is outside your comfort zone?
You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.
C. S. Lewis
Do you have a fishbowl? How are you stepping out in faith to be part of something bigger than the every day? How are you demonstrating your faith to your kids? To your unsaved family & friends? God may never ask you to pack up your life & move your family to another country and start over. But He does expect you to be part of His work. He expects you to stretch outside your comfort zone. Get out of your routine, out of your rut.
Remember, as Vance Havner once said,
“A rut is just a grave with both ends kicked out.”